Who is the Real 'TARGET'? BHM Full of Talks of Protests and Boycotts... Depending on Where You Live and Shop, It May Not Be Who You Think It Is...
Ready, aim, fire! Not too fast. And be sure you don't have to say 'oops'. We cannot make a mistake and hit the wrong 'target'. Life is precious. We must aim with precision-clarity.
You've seen the commercial, 'Girls Gone Wild'... Well, this is nothing compared to a Nation, A People, A World Gone Wild. Our nation is polarized and our culture is in many ways, corrupt.
We have come to worship the creature more than the creator. A biblical truth to those who wish to take a deeper dive.
While (BHM), Black History Month has many points of interest and appeal, this year, there has been a resurgence of the days of protests and boycotts that transpired in the 50's and 60's.
This post is concise. It's about who is the real target. Is it the store/company Target? Is it just them or are there other retailers and entities that merit this protest/boycott at large?
Those who read my posts... here I go. My proverb: Don't jump in the middle... start from the beginning... stay till the end.
Do we have concerns regarding DEI? Yes. The main problem is the fact that each word has its distinct meaning: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. To lump them or assign them to a cause or an initiative takes off wrong and will cause you to end up wrong. I have this illustration to offer as a mini course.
The real questions here are based on who is and who are the people, institutions, and governments that have poorly defined and created the ungodly principles that seek to bring contradiction to God's Word for His people. Why should we stand down and allow this to happen by any means? To really make an impact, the word 'inclusion' should take on the creative expression, 'innovation' which means to create and explore other ways to gain better results.
I say to all who see the right 'TARGET', set your gaze, pray your prayers and go forth to defeat any and all enemies. Wherever you live, find out who's seeking to block you or deny you of your God-ordained purpose and calling and let them know in three simple words... NOT THIS TIME!
Stay tuned... The 'Hunt' is On.
Arthur L. Hunt, Jr. (call me Hunt, jr.)
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