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Showing posts from February, 2025

Who is the Real Target? It May Not Be Who You Think It Is... City of Dumas Hosts Black History Town Hall Forum

   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | February 20, 2025  Contact: Rev. Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., The College of Aspiring Artists | 870.623.8179 |  Black History Month 2025: Who is the Real 'TARGET'? Dumas Hosts Delta Black History Month Forum... “Who’s the ‘Target’ in Dumas and the Delta?” February 20, 2025, Dumas AR— Black History Month has been full of talks of protests and boycotts. Many are saying… ready, aim, fire! But I say, ‘not too fast’. And be sure you don't have to say 'oops'. We cannot afford to make a mistake and hit the wrong 'target'. Life is precious. We must aim with precision-clarity. On Thursday, February 27 at 5:30pm, Dumas will host a forum entitled “Who is the Real Target?’  In rural America many communities do not have a Target or a Walmart, (who are on the lists of major boycotts slated for February and beyond.) But does that mean there is no target? We don't have a President Vladimir Putin living in the USA, but does this mean...

Who is the Real Target

Who is the Real 'TARGET'? BHM Full of Talks of Protests and Boycotts... Depending on Where You Live and Shop, It May Not Be Who You Think It Is...  Ready, aim, fire! Not too fast. And be sure you don't have to say 'oops'. We cannot make a mistake and hit the wrong 'target'. Life is precious. We must aim with precision-clarity. You've seen the commercial, 'Girls Gone Wild'... Well, this is nothing compared to a Nation, A People, A World Gone Wild. Our nation is polarized and our culture is in many ways, corrupt. We have come to worship the creature more than the creator. A biblical truth to those who wish to take a deeper dive. While (BHM), Black History Month has many points of interest and appeal, this year, there has been a resurgence of the days of protests and boycotts that transpired in the 50's and 60's. This post is concise. It's about who is the real target. Is it the store/company Target? Is it just them or are there other r...